We have had to increase our prices this year, across all ticket types in line with our costs. We are a small not-for-profit organisation, reliant on limited government and philanthropic funding to survive.
We believe all of our tickets are exceptional value. For all ticket types you receive three full days' worth of content, which can be viewed live or streamed OnDemand for up to 90 days (depending on the time of ticket purchase).
We have also upgraded our Day 3 venue this year, to offer improved accessibility, and better meet the needs of our conference attendees. As a result, we have adjusted the hybrid ticket accordingly too. All registered in-person attendees have catering included in the ticket price.
Our ticket sales from this conference also support our unfunded advocacy work (much of which you can access here:
https://www.yellowladybugs.com.au/Resources). In the current climate, with government and grant-based funding becoming less available, and we need to consider our sustainability to ensure we are able to continue on our mission.
If you wish to purchase a ticket, and are experiencing financial difficulty, please email us at