

time iconJune 18, 2024 09:30 am

Conference open and welcome

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Katie Koullas (she/her)

Katie Koullas will unpack the current issues facing the community and discuss the conference content.

time iconJune 18, 2024 09:55 am

Creating Classrooms Where Autistic Girls and Gender Diverse Students Can Thrive

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Christina Keeble (she/her)

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Sarah Gurrin (she/her)

An essential back-to-basics session on what teachers need to know about the ladybug students in their classroom. Our two panellists share their expert practical advice on creating a neuro-affirming and supportive learning environment, where autistic students with hidden needs can thrive.

time iconJune 18, 2024 10:55 am

Unpacking Our Assumptions and Attitudes About Autistic Children

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Em Hammond @NeuroWild (she/her)

Join us for an empowering, enlightening and practical discussion with the incredible Em Hammond from NeuroWild. This is one of those must-attend sessions, designed to guide parents, teachers, and allies through a transformative shift in perspective. It will provide invaluable insights into understanding and appreciating the unique experiences of autistic children, so we can change the way we perceive and support our ladybugs.

time iconJune 18, 2024 12:00 pm

Understanding Autistic Communication – A Guide for Parents and Teachers

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Frances Brennan (she/her)

This focused session shines a spotlight on the unique communication needs of our high masking ladybugs, exploring key autistic communication concepts including the double empathy problem, and providing practical tips for supporting autistic young people to express themselves authentically.

time iconJune 18, 2024 01:00 pm

A Practical Guide to Building Pride and Wellbeing in Autistic Young People

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Annelil Desille (she/they)

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Chelsea Luker (she/her)

An affirming discussion on autistic pride, offering practical advice for parents, teachers and allies on nurturing the self-esteem and wellbeing of their ladybugs. Our panellists will draw on their professional expertise and lived experience in guiding us to help our autistic young people build an authentic identity, to find their neurokin, and their place in the autistic community.    

time iconJune 18, 2024 01:45 pm

Authentic Partnering with Autistic Children – Advice for Parents

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Chenai Mupotsa-Russell (she/her)

A special parent-focussed session on building authentic, collaborative and compassionate relationships with our autistic young people. Learn about the importance of connection and unconditional positive regard and how we can nurture and empower our ladybugs through partnering with them to understand and address their support needs. 

time iconJune 18, 2024 02:15 pm

A Neuro-affirming Guide to Individual Education Plans and Social Stories

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Adina Levy (she/her)

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Sandhya Menon (she/her)

How can we ensure that the most common classroom tools for supporting autistic students are neuro-affirming, tailored to the unique needs of our ladybug students, and not simply encouraging them to mask? Our panellists provide powerful practical advice on ensuring that the school-based supports developed for our ladybugs promote connection, authenticity and self-expression.

time iconJune 18, 2024 04:00 pm

Autistic Student Insights into Succeeding in Education

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Shadia Hancock (they/them)

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Summer Farrelly (they/them)

Two incredible autistic young people share their most important advice on nurturing and empowering autistic young people in the education setting. They explore the themes of embracing interest-led learning, genuine inclusion, flexible learning and the power of embracing student autonomy and agency.  

time iconJune 19, 2024 09:30 am

Conference open and welcome

time iconJune 19, 2024 09:40 am

Empathy in Education – Understanding the Perspectives of Our Ladybugs Through Co-regulation and Curiosity

With a special focus on the teacher-ladybug relationship, child psychiatrist and autistic ally, Dr Alberto Veloso guides us through the process of thinking about ourselves as adults, and the neuroscience behind why our bodies and brains react they way they do when our young people are distressed. He helps us understand how we can co-regulate, and how we can better support the autistic students in our care by being curious and recognising their perspective.  

time iconJune 19, 2024 10:40 am

The Essential Interoception Guide for Supporting Our Ladybugs

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Kelly Mahler (she/her)

Join us for this in-depth interview with interoception guru, Kelly Mahler, where we explore interoception through the specific lens of autistic girls and gender diverse young people. We cover the big topics including internalising and masking, emotions and alexithymia, eating disorders, hormones and puberty, behaviour and co-regulation

time iconJune 19, 2024 11:35 am

Labels, Learning, and Low-Demand Parenting for our Ladybugs

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Eliza Fricker (she/her)

An engaging conversation with Eliza Fricker from Missing the Mark, who shares her honest and compassionate insights into the labels our high-masking ladybugs receive (and that Eliza received as a child), what to do when our autistic children can’t go to school, supporting PDA children and teens, and the power of low demand parenting. 

time iconJune 19, 2024 01:00 pm

Autistic Burnout – Self-Care as a Preventative Tool for Ladybug Students

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Ebony Birch-Hanger (she/her)

Yellow Ladybugs alumni, Ebony Birch-Hanger shares her practical and deeply personal insights into the importance of teaching self-care as a preventative tool against autistic burnout. She covers the relationship between self-awareness and self-care, provides advice for educators on how they can support autistic students through teaching and modelling self-care, including those ladybugs whose perfectionism and people-pleasing tendencies may mean their struggles are hidden. 

time iconJune 19, 2024 01:50 pm

What’s your Point of View?

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Kaitlin Pradhan (she/her)

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Veronika Miller (they/she)

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Ynna Hernandez-Europa (she/her)

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Patrick Saunders (he/him)

A collection of stories from our community sharing their journey and personal experience from their perspective.

time iconJune 19, 2024 02:35 pm

Exploring the needs of our First Nations Ladybugs

Tash Trickey joins us to yarn about her community’s views and understanding of autism in the First Nations community. We will chat through some of the common barriers that Indigenous people face in accessing support services. She will also discuss how schools and services can improve their cultural safety and incorporate Indigenous models of support into neuro-affirming care.

time iconJune 20, 2024 09:30 am

Conference open and welcome

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Katie Koullas (she/her)

time iconJune 20, 2024 09:40 am

Small Things Matter

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Sarah Gurrin (she/her)

Join Sarah as she unpacks why small things matter and the massive difference they can make in the life of your Ladybug in the school environment. Sarah is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist and fully registered teacher who works in private practice on the Gold Coast. She specialises in Neurodiversity especially in women and girls. Sarah provides therapy to children and assessments for children and adults.

time iconJune 20, 2024 10:00 am

We Are All Neurodiverse at School

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Sonny Jane Wise (they/them)

Sonny steps away from diagnostic labels and explores how every individual has unique needs and differences. Sonny discusses the importance of moving away from the pathology paradigm and adopting the neurodiversity paradigm to nurture and empower autistic students.

time iconJune 20, 2024 10:15 am

Embracing Duality and Community: Supporting Our Empathic Ladybugs

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Khadija Gbla (she/they)

Join us as Khadija shares their deeply personal perspective on acknowledging diverse experiences and intersectional identities. As an empath who is profoundly attuned to justice and the wider world around them, Khadija will discuss the necessity of validating the experiences of our empathetic ladybugs. They will touch on the importance of recognising the duality in our lives—acknowledging both the challenges we face and the immense pride we can feel in our autistic identity. And they will explore the critical role of a supportive community—a village that uplifts, affirms, and carries each individual through life’s trials and triumphs.

time iconJune 20, 2024 10:30 am

Reflections on early Diagnosis and School Experiences

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Ruby Wiggins (she/her)

Ruby will share her lived experience of early diagnosis as autistic and her experience within the school system. She will talk about the interventions that she experienced and practices that she would like to see change. Her powerful presentation will encourage viewers to consider what approaches are really best for autistic children and young people.

time iconJune 20, 2024 10:45 am

Morning tea

time iconJune 20, 2024 11:15 am

Finding and Keeping Autistic Joy

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Marie Camin (she/her)

Being autistic can be really hard, but there's nothing quite like the feeling of autistic joy—from our happy feet to our stimmy hands! Join Marie Camin, an autistic clinical psychologist, in learning how we can support our young people to find and keep their joy in a world that tries so hard to dull it.

time iconJune 20, 2024 11:30 am

Exploring Autistic Culture

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Allison Davies (she/her)

Autistic culture is more than a concept or a neuro-affirming approach to care; it is something that has always existed in autistic families and communities. Although it looks different for every family and is filtered through our layers of privilege, safety, and capacity, this presentation will explore some of the fundamental concepts that autistic culture requires all of us to understand so that we may deepen our sense of who our autistic family is and how our culture can support us.

time iconJune 20, 2024 11:45 am

Neuro-affirming Teaching Practice

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Sandhya Menon (she/her)

Sandhya will help educators distil big ideas on neuro-affirming teaching practices learnt throughout the conference, creating five core actionable principles for educational institutions to walk away with, reflect on, and implement in their practices. A session designed to delight those who like structure and practical examples, this is a must-catch session for all.

time iconJune 20, 2024 12:20 pm


time iconJune 20, 2024 01:20 pm

Neuroaccessibility and the SAFE Self-Advocacy Method

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Annie Crowe (she/her)

Annie publicly defined the concept of neuroaccessibility in 2022 and will now introduce the human rights influence on the development of her SAFE self-advocacy method. This presentation is all about neurodivergent rights and a practical approach to having your access needs met in a neuronormative society. There is nothing more empowering than finding your voice and standing up for your rights—this is a presentation not to be missed!

time iconJune 20, 2024 01:35 pm

Keynote Speaker: Creating neuro-affirming culture in the classroom

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Em Hammond @NeuroWild (she/her)

Em, also known as Neurowild, will be our keynote speaker, teaching you how to create a neuro-affirming culture in the classroom. This will blend personal, professional, and practical guidance, with some incredible insights via her NeuroWild Shift.

time iconJune 20, 2024 02:05 pm

Yellow Ladybugs Feature Session

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Yellow Ladybug

time iconJune 20, 2024 02:15 pm

Q&A plus close

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Katie Koullas (she/her)