

You are invited to attend the highly anticipated 2024 Yellow Ladybugs Conference, a 3-day online offering, with access to OnDemand content. You can buy an online-only, or online + in-person ticket, with the latter allowing you to join us in person in Melbourne for Day 3. *Please note this option is now sold out. Please join the wait list*

This year Yellow Ladybugs delve into the world of neuro-affirming culture. As always, we promise to deliver captivating, life-changing, and memorable professional and life-learning opportunities.

We take you back to basics to understand WHY we continue to advocate for the often-hidden needs of autistic girls, women, and gender-diverse students.

We will combine narratives and panel-style interviews with some practical training offerings to build up the tools in your toolkit for supporting a range of autistic students at school, home and, beyond.

Teachers, parents, allied health professionals, and autistic individuals will gain a better understanding of how to support the learning and well-being needs of autistic girls, teens, and gender-diverse students, who often have internalised, or hidden needs.

Yellow Ladybug’s mission is to amplify autistic voices; therefore, our conferences have a strong emphasis on lived autistic experience. While we may have some non-autistic speakers, we strive to include mainly autistic speakers, including teachers, allied health professionals, psychologists, and other professionals. We aim to reflect the diversity of our community and increase the understanding of intersectional needs.

Each speaker will share their experience, insights, and strategies to support, understand, and celebrate autistic students.


The conference will be held online from 18 June to 20 June 2024.

There will be an option to attend Day 3 in person in Melbourne.

The online + in-person ticket provides an option to attend Day Three in person on Thursday 20 June at Hyatt Place- Essendon Fields Victoria. *Please note this option is now sold out. Please join the wait list*

There are several ticket options as described below to suit a variety of needs.

You will require a computer, tablet/iPad or smart phone and an internet connection to access the content.

Once you have registered and paid for the conference, you will receive email correspondence that provides information on how to access the platform.

The conference platform gives you choice and control over watching sessions live online as they are released, or afterward at a time that suits you within a 90-day access period.

OnDemand access is included with all ticket types and will be available for an additional 90 days allowing you to watch the content at your own pace.

Certificates of Attendance will be made available for each registered user at no additional charge.